
Energy Alliance Symposium

Higher School of Commerce, Kolea | June 2024

Energy Alliance Symposium is a platform where professionals from different energy fields come together to discuss the current and future state of the energy industry. The event brings together experts in the field of renewable energy, conventional energy, and energy efficiency, and provides a unique opportunity for them to exchange ideas, learn from each other, and network.


We are glad to announce that EASY will be organized in partnership with KONRAD ADENAUER STIFTUNG

Plenary Speakers

Planary Speaker 1

Planary Speaker 2

Call for Paper

The objective of the Energy Alliance Symposium is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the energy industry, and to identify new and innovative solutions to help drive the energy transition forward. The event will focus on the latest developments in renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, and conventional energy sources, and will provide attendees with an opportunity to learn about new technologies, business models, and best practices in the energy industry.

The symposium will feature several key themes, including the current state of renewable energy, the role of conventional energy in the energy transition, energy storage solutions, and energy efficiency. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in these areas, and to network with other professionals in the field. The event will also provide an opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the energy industry, and to identify new and innovative solutions to help drive the energy transition forward.

In conclusion, the Energy Alliance Symposium is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the energy industry. Whether you are a professor, engineer, professional, or commercial person, the event provides an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field, to network with other experts, and to be a part of the conversation on the energy transition. Register today to secure your place at this exciting and informative event.


Registration fees include:

  • Access to all conference oral, poster, and Online (Optional) sessions, plenaries, and exhibit hall.
  • The welcome reception, lunches, and the coffee breaks during the 02 days of the conference.
  • Conference kit.


Professors, Doctors, Students… etc
(This includes every participant with an accepted article)
15 000 DZD


This includes companies advertising and participants without articles submitted to the symposium.
25 000 DZD


Add a paper.
10 000 DZD

ESC Kolea, Tipasa, Algeria

Important dates: 

Launching the call:
February 24, 2024

Submission deadline:
June 10, 2024

Date of notification of acceptance:
June 15, 2024

Registration deadline:
June 25, 2024

Full paper submission deadline:
June 25, 2024

Symposium Date:
03-04 July 2024

Event date:
03 – 04 JUNE 2024

Use the template write the article.

General chair:
Dr. Mustapha HATTI

Technical Co-Chairs:
Dr. Abdelouaheb DEHBI (PSI, ZH, CH)
Pr. Mouloud DENAI (UK)
Pr. Kamel BOUSSAFI (Algeria)
Pr. Khadidja RAHMOUN HENAOUI (Algeria)
Pr. Othmane ABDELKHALEK (Algeria)
Pr. Fateh KRIM (Algeria)
Dr. Dalila CHERIFI (Algeria)
Dr. Mohamed BEN ATALLAH (Algeria)
Pr. Farid GHANEM (Algeria)
Pr. Mustapha TIOURSI (Algeria)
Dr. Aoued MEHARRAR (Algeria)
Pr. Youcef SOUFI (Algeria)
Pr. Amin Stambouli BOUDGHENE (Algeria)
Pr. Saad MEKHILEF (Malaysia)
Dr. Fouzi HADDAD (Algeria)
Pr. Said GROUNI (Algeria)
Pr. Abdelkader AISSAT (Algeria)
Dr. Nachida KASBADJI MERZOUK (Algeria)
Pr. Adel MELLIT (Algeria)

Program Committee Chairs:
Pr. Katia KOUZI (Algeria)
Pr. A/Ghani HARRAG (Algeria)
Pr. A/Ghani AISSAOUI (Algeria)
Dr. Cherif BENOUDJAFER (Algeria)
Dr. Zoubir BELGROUN (Algeria)
Dr. Amel ABBADI (Algeria)
Dr. Tahar TAFTICHT (Canada)
Dr. Fateh AKEL (Algeria)
Pr. Rachid TALEB (Algeria)
Dr. Farid MEDJDOUB (France)
Pr. Salem ARIF (Algeria)
Dr. Mourad BOUACHE (USA)
Dr. Zineb ROUABAH (Algeria)
Dr. Saliha AREZKI (Algeria)
Dr. Yassine AMIRAT (France)

Publications Co-Chairs:
Pr. Kamel Eddine HEMSAS (Algeria)
Dr. Slimane MERDACI (Algeria)

Contact us:
info [at] archeditech.org

Who is interested

Energy-related research



In Algeria, although it is full of natural and clean energy resources, the energy transition is struggling to find the way to real sustainable energy security. Also, Algeria is endowed with a significant intellectual potential of operational human resources in all sectors of nuclear, renewable and fossil energy, coupled with proven experience and expertise. The pooling of resources, the alliance of policies and intellectual synergy are more than necessary for the deployment of a reliable, rapid energy transition and is the guarantee of sustainable energy security.
The functional energy systems in the different energy sectors have in common several processes with differences in size, where the advanced technological needs vary from one to another. The concerns of reducing the harmful impact on the environment are as different as their vital participation in the economy of the country. Take the best, the cleanest and the most sustainable in good intelligence, consultation and obligation to light a clean world for future generations.


En Algérie, bien qu’elle regorge de ressources énergétiques naturelles et propres, la transition énergétique peine à trouver le chemin pour une réelle sécurité énergétique durable. Aussi, l’Algérie est dotée d’un potentiel intellectuel important de ressource humaines opérationnelles dans le tous les secteurs de l’énergie nucléaire, renouvelable et fossile doublé d’une expérience et de l’expertise prouvée. La mutualisation des moyens, l’alliance des politiques et la synergie intellectuelle sont plus que nécessaires pour le déploiement d’une transition énergétique fiable, rapide et est le gage d’une sécurité énergétique durable.
Les systèmes énergétiques fonctionnels dans les différents secteurs de l’énergie possèdent en commun plusieurs processus avec des différences de taille, où les besoins technologiques de pointes varies de l’un à l’autre. Les soucis de réduction de l’impact néfaste sur l’environnement sont aussi différents d’autant que leur participation vitale à l’économie du pays. Prendre le meilleur, le plus propre et le plus durable en bonne intelligence, concertation et obligation de léger un monde propre aux générations futures.


في الجزائر ، على الرغم من أنها مليئة بموارد الطاقة الطبيعية والنظيفة ، فإن تحول الطاقة يكافح لإيجاد الطريق لأمن طاقة مستدام حقيقي. كما تتمتع الجزائر بإمكانيات فكرية كبيرة من الموارد البشرية التشغيلية في جميع قطاعات الطاقة النووية والمتجددة والأحفورية ، إلى جانب الخبرة والتجربة المثبتة. يعد تجميع الموارد وتحالف السياسات والتآزر الفكري أكثر من ضروري لنشر انتقال موثوق وسريع للطاقة وهو ضمان لأمن الطاقة المستدام.
تشترك أنظمة الطاقة الوظيفية في قطاعات الطاقة المختلفة في عدة عمليات مع اختلافات في الحجم ، حيث تختلف الاحتياجات التكنولوجية المتقدمة من واحدة إلى أخرى. تختلف المخاوف المتعلقة بالحد من التأثير الضار على البيئة عن مشاركتها الحيوية في اقتصاد الدولة. خذ الأفضل والأنظف والأكثر استدامة في الذكاء الجيد والتشاور والالتزام لإضاءة عالم نظيف للأجيال القادمة.